I am sorry or am I?

Are you a person who believes in second chances? Personally I'm someone who forgives people easily. Because I believe we are all humans afterall. Mistakes can happen. That's why even pencils have got erasers. And we seek forgiveness. Maybe our apologies are taken and sometimes not. We might get a second chance or might we not. I believe everything happens for a reason and so it has a reason to exist. The good things and the bad or maybe it is just how we perceive things. What I believe right could be what you believe wrong. Yet we seek forgiveness from the ones we love. Why? Is it because we regret what we did or is it because we're too afraid that we might lose them?  Could it also be just a word spoken without meaning it? How will we ever know?  If you truly want something then you'll fight for it no matter how hard the way will be and along the journey you will get hurt, you will act irresponsible and at times will be immature and sometimes you'll be at the verge of giving it all up just because you know you're tired of this cruel world. And it's okay to feel that way because that's life. Fortunately or unfortunately that's how life works. If our life can be rude to us then is it wrong if we are rude to our own life when things get hard for all of us? Apologies are overrated but giving another chances? Well we wouldn't think a second time when we want to apologise to the people we love but what about when it comes to forgiving? Because when you say a sorry you might or might not mean it but when you forgive, it can never go the other way round because forgiveness takes a great deal out of you and you question the whole existence of it. Whoever it is, we all need forgiveness but when it comes to forgiving all we have at the back of our mind would be are they worthy of my forgiveness? What if they don't deserve a second chance? May be it's right if we end things here and that too just because you were immature. But trust me when I say this... "those who forgive care way too much for the people they love and has the ability to love them without any conditions and loving without conditions? That's the essence of true love and it won't  fade away that easily." If the people I love find it difficult to forgive then will it be okay if I doubt when I say I am sorry or am I?   


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